Casey The Dog was intertwined with nearly everything that we did. But occasionally, there were times that we needed some husband/wife private time. Any other time I offered her a treat, she would come sprinting out with excitement, but when I offered her a treat to get her to leave for some privacy, that dog KNEW what my plan was and stayed firmly planted in the bedroom. She was never going to willingly leave, so I had to pick up 70 pounds of dead weight and physically remove her. Even then, she would wait right outside our door to be allowed back in for snuggles.
But eventually, we did get that privacy, and this happened.
She was a part of everything else, so of course she was the star of our announcement that we were going to be giving her a baby brother.
Since Casey was a Mommy before Stef adopted her, she was right by Stef's side to coach her along in the process and let her know what kind of changes her body would go through.
She was also our model for all of the interior decorating that Stef did in anticipation of the little guy, who we endearingly referred to as Baby Machete. Casey helped with the nursery.
She helped with design of the play room.
Although Casey knew we had plenty of love to give, she did have money on her mind when it came to the new addition.
Luckily, she is an excellent financial planner where we were able to afford both dog toys and diapers.
With a baby on the way, she began to look out for some of her friends in the animal kingdom to show that she was ready to be a babysitter.
The intense focus shows how much she cares. Who was this friend that she was so intent on looking after?
Yeah, that's Lil' Stevie hanging on the window. Casey would not break concentration, and it showed how much she cared about looking after things.
And when she was watching out for her friends, nothing could distract her.
We would stand in one stationary spot for 15 minutes as she just watched a squirrel up in the tree. The squirrel would tease that poor girl, and even had Casey been quick enough to get the squirrel, there is no way she would have known what to do with it. Still, this sort of concentration and dedication made her an ideal potential babysitter.
Casey even went above and beyond and gave me a visual of what it would look like if I had the baby.
From this, I knew that when the baby comes out, it is best to give it scratchies to ensure its happiness
Obviously with something as big as having a child, it will almost inevitably bring my wife and I closer together. I said almost inevitably, because the pregnancy more brought Casey and I closer together.
We even did sexy photo shoots together to keep things fresh.
I took way too many photos of us on this day, because she was not only snuggling in but looking directly at the camera for them. My wife always thought we were freaks, but this really drove the point home where she could confirm that we were definitely freaks.
It may sound as if I ditched my wife during her pregnancy, but it was much more that she ditched me during her pregnancy as she tried to pack as much work travel as she could in the early stages so she wouldn't have to travel as much later on, and especially, when the little guy arrived. This left Casey and I alone, so we had to ball out together.
There were the little things like going to the grocery store together, where she would immediately take over the driver's seat, and we would snuggle in together for 10-15 minutes before I realized that I did have to drive home eventually.
Stef was gone a lot, but even when she was around, for some reason, she never wanted to go to breweries, so Casey and I went on dates instead.
My activity was drinking beer, but with that not being the most friendly dog activity, we brought some friends for her to play with.
But even though we were out having a good time, we still made time for romance and had no qualms about public displays of affection. And had I not gone through all of these pictures, I wouldn't have realized that we were restaging a picture that Stef had already taken with Casey at a brewery.

In November, Casey and I took a romantic getaway to Sanibel Island. We drove down and stopped at a brewery in Punta Gorda on the way. She was all smiles as she was able to watch a darts game going on, and I was able to grab a good stout.
Now technically this trip was actually to go to Stef's sister's wedding, but that stuff would only fill part of my time there, so Casey and I found some time to hit the beach for a good time.
We got to run, have some fun, and even got some sun. My adventures with Casey were always way better than the scheduled activities. There was never any drama, because we both knew that to have a good time, all you needed was play time. But sometimes I needed a reminder that it should always be play time.
Although she would usually throw the toy in front of the path of the lawnmower to get us to throw it. Sometimes, she got bolder, threw the toy on the mower, and then triumphantly laid in the lawnmower's path to give us no choice but to take a break from landscaping and play with her instead.
She just plopped herself down on those top steps and just chilled. I could still get her to swim sometimes, but as she got older, she didn't quite have the strength in her back legs, so her butt would drop when she was swimming. Even then, she made the most of the situation, as she started to let her back legs drop even further and then she just stood on her hind legs in the pool and would circle around to keep her balance while I held her ball. I'm not sure how much she really loved that game, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.
But she definitely loved her Dad. Of course, that may be partly that I was a slave to her so she knew that she could demand my attention, and I would happily obeying her (for some reason the audio isn't in sync with the video).
Casey got what she wanted, and no baby was going to change that.
But eventually, we did get that privacy, and this happened.
She was a part of everything else, so of course she was the star of our announcement that we were going to be giving her a baby brother.
Since Casey was a Mommy before Stef adopted her, she was right by Stef's side to coach her along in the process and let her know what kind of changes her body would go through.
She was also our model for all of the interior decorating that Stef did in anticipation of the little guy, who we endearingly referred to as Baby Machete. Casey helped with the nursery.
She helped with design of the play room.
She even tried on clothes to make sure they were good to go for Machete.
Although Casey knew we had plenty of love to give, she did have money on her mind when it came to the new addition.
Luckily, she is an excellent financial planner where we were able to afford both dog toys and diapers.
With a baby on the way, she began to look out for some of her friends in the animal kingdom to show that she was ready to be a babysitter.
The intense focus shows how much she cares. Who was this friend that she was so intent on looking after?
Yeah, that's Lil' Stevie hanging on the window. Casey would not break concentration, and it showed how much she cared about looking after things.
And when she was watching out for her friends, nothing could distract her.
Casey even went above and beyond and gave me a visual of what it would look like if I had the baby.
From this, I knew that when the baby comes out, it is best to give it scratchies to ensure its happiness
Obviously with something as big as having a child, it will almost inevitably bring my wife and I closer together. I said almost inevitably, because the pregnancy more brought Casey and I closer together.
Admittedly, we were already about as close as a boy and dog can get, but we definitely upped the ante.
We even did sexy photo shoots together to keep things fresh.
I took way too many photos of us on this day, because she was not only snuggling in but looking directly at the camera for them. My wife always thought we were freaks, but this really drove the point home where she could confirm that we were definitely freaks.
It may sound as if I ditched my wife during her pregnancy, but it was much more that she ditched me during her pregnancy as she tried to pack as much work travel as she could in the early stages so she wouldn't have to travel as much later on, and especially, when the little guy arrived. This left Casey and I alone, so we had to ball out together.
There were the little things like going to the grocery store together, where she would immediately take over the driver's seat, and we would snuggle in together for 10-15 minutes before I realized that I did have to drive home eventually.
Stef was gone a lot, but even when she was around, for some reason, she never wanted to go to breweries, so Casey and I went on dates instead.
My activity was drinking beer, but with that not being the most friendly dog activity, we brought some friends for her to play with.
But even though we were out having a good time, we still made time for romance and had no qualms about public displays of affection. And had I not gone through all of these pictures, I wouldn't have realized that we were restaging a picture that Stef had already taken with Casey at a brewery.

In November, Casey and I took a romantic getaway to Sanibel Island. We drove down and stopped at a brewery in Punta Gorda on the way. She was all smiles as she was able to watch a darts game going on, and I was able to grab a good stout.
Now technically this trip was actually to go to Stef's sister's wedding, but that stuff would only fill part of my time there, so Casey and I found some time to hit the beach for a good time.
We got to run, have some fun, and even got some sun. My adventures with Casey were always way better than the scheduled activities. There was never any drama, because we both knew that to have a good time, all you needed was play time. But sometimes I needed a reminder that it should always be play time.
Although she would usually throw the toy in front of the path of the lawnmower to get us to throw it. Sometimes, she got bolder, threw the toy on the mower, and then triumphantly laid in the lawnmower's path to give us no choice but to take a break from landscaping and play with her instead.
She was smart in other ways as she learned to utilize the pool without having to wear herself out.

But she definitely loved her Dad. Of course, that may be partly that I was a slave to her so she knew that she could demand my attention, and I would happily obeying her (for some reason the audio isn't in sync with the video).
Casey got what she wanted, and no baby was going to change that.
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