Sunday, December 22, 2019

An Introduction to Casey The Dog

Every dog story seems to include the phrase "(Insert dog name) was the best dog in the world." Casey The Dog probably wasn't the best dog in the world; I mean, it's not like she saved me from drowning or took down a gunman to save my life, but I still feel confident saying that she was the best dog for us (I know how to swim, and do not frequently get into gun fights). She molded herself into our lives, and even when she would wake me up in the middle of the night to help her on the bed right after she had decided to jump off, a part of me enjoyed that I could give her what she needed.

I'm using the past tense, because like all stories with family pets, this one does have a sad ending for me. But it wasn't a sad ending for Casey. That dog lived 99.9% of her life with unbridled happiness, and she managed to do that to the very end. Still, this is a story about her life, and even though part of it will always remain a mystery, the parts I got to be a part of will remain some of the most treasured times in my life.

I have been looking through old pictures and videos a lot lately, because now that she's been gone for a few weeks, all I have are memories. With time, those memories will likely fade, and just writing that part of the sentence puts tears in my eyes. She was a special girl, and I just hope writing this keeps her memories as vivid as possible for as long as possible. Some of these stories are going to be incredibly meaningful, and some will just be stupid asides, but they will all add up to give the best story of Casey The Dog I can provide.

In honor of Casey, I will do my best to keep this 99.9% positive, but if the words get too sappy, just scroll through and enjoy super cute pictures and videos of the #1 pup dog in all the land.

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